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Workout of the Day 04.05.

Aktualisiert: 4. Mai 2020

Wir starten in die neue HomeWOD Woche mit einem längeren Conditioning Workout.

Sucht euch eine Wiederholungszahl und versucht diese über die Runden hinweg zu halten.

Postet eure Scores und WOD Fotos in die Gruppe!

Viel Spaß!

WarmUp 7' For Quality 200m Jog / 60 Sec Stationary Jog 10 Air squats  10m Walking Lunge Passthroughs 10 Prisoner Good morning

Mobility 10 Jefferson Curls 20 Wrist Stretches 10 ScorpionStretch   10 Reverse Scorpion Stretch Workout 30' EMOM

Work for about 045 to 050 Sec Min 1: 10 - 15 x10m Shuttle sprints Min 2: 10-20 Push-ups / Hand release push-ups / Kneeling push-ups Min 3: 10-15 DB/KB / Waterbottle HangPowerCleans

Min 4: 10-20 Jumping lunges Min 5: 10-15 DB/KB/Sandbag / Whatever Shoulder to Overhead (STOH)

Min 6: REST Optional Accessory for quality: 100 Weighted Frog Pumps / Weighted Glute Ham Bridges /

Road Runner

5k Trail Run @50% Speed

Cool Down


600m + perform 3 - 4 Static Stretches of the used muscles today.

Stretch about 30 to 40 Sec on each side:

Butterfly Hold

Wall Straddle

Hip flexor Hold

Spiderman lunge Hold

Squat Strech / Hold

Pigeon Hold

Couch Hold

Knee Hug Hold

Lying hamstring Hold

Ankle Stretch/Hold

Wrist Stretch/Hold

Wall Pec Stretch / Hold

Door frame Stretch / Hold

Underarm Stretch / Hold

Apley Stretch /Hold

McKenzie Stretch / Hold

Back Rack Stretch / Hold

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